Creating Your Family's Legacy in Stone Since 1898
Clark Memorials has over 100 years of service in the memorial arts. Here are 10 reasons why you should choose a memorial made by Clark Memorials of Alabama, Inc.
Fully Guaranteed Forever...
Clark Memorials guarantees materials, craftsmanship and foundation. You will receive a written warranty, which insures that your memorial will endure against all natural causes and wear. This warranty is transferable to any future heirs or descendants.

Finest Quality...
To assure you of the best, Clark Memorials are made from the finest granites and marbles. They are quarried from the best sources in the world and finished in our facilities. The finishing is done by craftsman with hundreds of years experience in producing quality monuments that stand the test of time.
The Largest Inventory in Alabama...
You can personally visit Clark Memorials’ offices and displays in thirteen cities in Alabama to select your memorial.

Clark Memorials owns its own quarries...
Clark Memorials is affiliated with three of the oldest and largest granite quarries in the heart of prime of granite country in Georgia. Your monument is processed in Clark’s modern plant, which is managed and operated by technicians whose experience and pride of craftsmanship create monuments of distinction and quality.
One company to deal with...
Your monument is manufactured and installed by a company with complete facilities. Clark Memorials will deliver your memorial, complete in every detail from original design to final erection in the cemetery. From quarry to cemetery, no other company handles a Clark Memorial. There are no brokers, middlemen or wholesale manufacturers to deal with.
Custom Designed...
Clark Memorials has one of the foremost architectural memorial design departments in the U.S. Master designers are available to assist our clients in custom designs at no extra cost.
Sculpturing Studio...
Clark Memorials retains the best sculptors, locally and nationally, to assist and consult with you. We produce the finest hand detailed sculpture and craftsmanship available in the industry. Many works of art created by Clark Memorials are on display throughout the U.S.
Sales and Service by Trained Memorial Consultants...
The men and women who help you in the selection of a Clark Memorial are thoroughly trained in all phases of the memorial industry. They are interested in seeing that you get the most desirable monument for your needs.
Georgia Marble Franchised Dealer...
Clark Memorials is proud to be the only Georgia Marble dealer in many cities in Alabama. Georgia Marble is one of the most prestigious materials available for memorials.

American Institute of Commemorative Art...
Member by Invitation. There are only 40 members of the unique and outstanding organization, dedicated to the creation of distinctive, quality memorials. Clark Memorials is the only member of this organization in Alabama.
For the Clark Memorials location nearest you, click here.